Monday, May 11, 2009

Sleepy Baby

Yesterday, my first Mother's Day, was a busy day that resulted in no nap for Ainsley. During Ainsley's dinner this happened. I have seen pictures like this before but never witnessed it first hand. We could hardly keep it together we were laughing so hard. Enjoy!


  1. too cute! how old is she? poor thing was so tired!

  2. Oh my...... that is TOO much! For how long was she doing that before you picked up the camera?

  3. Eve - She is 10 months old now! It flies. Enjoy every second with Cameron.

    Beth - She was nodding off for a minute or 2 before I got Ryan (who was vacuuming and making tons of noise). Ryan grabbed the video camera.

  4. That is the cutest thing ever! I love how she says "dada" and then is asleep ONE second later!

  5. That is absolutely PRECIOUS! So funny!

  6. What a precious pic. How cute is that! Thanks for sharing.

    Tänia of Faith Prints

  7. I could hardly keep my eyes open watching her! How sweet, Tracey. Thank you so much for linking up. Good to see you here :)

  8. That is precious! I love those videos. We have a hilarious one of Wesley and his head is rolling all over the place!


  9. Love it! I gave you an award on my blog... becasue I am cheesy like that!


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