You taught me to eat
You taught me to walk
You taught me my ABCs
You taught me to swim
You taught me to shuffle cards
You taught me to snap
You taught me to be a good friend
You taught me how to cross stitch
You taught me to eat spaghetti with a spoon
You taught me to bake
You taught me to study
You taught me how to grieve
You taught me how to work hard
You taught me how to let go
You taught me to not take myself too seriously
You taught me how to sew
You taught me how to manage my money
You taught me to make my own decisions
You taught me confidence
You taught me empathy
You taught me how to be a loving wife
You taught me patience
You taught me how to put family first
You taught me kindness
You taught me how to be a good mother
You taught me love
But most importantly, you taught me about Jesus.
Happy Mother's Day to the best Teacher in the world
but seriously, the chicken?