Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Silent Night

It's been a whirl wind month.  There has been heart break.  There was a party or 2.  There was some shopping.  There was a lot of eating.  There was some wine.  The was some sickness.

And there was some sleep.  Thankfully I have resumed what I would consider almost normal sleeping patterns.  After weeks of getting 4-5 hours a night, it dropped to 2 consecutive nights of 2 hours.  At that point I gave up and called the doctor for a prescription for Ambien.

It worked like a charm.  I took it for 5 days to catch up.  I took my last one the night before our party.  I had one restless night of sleep after that and now I have resumed sleeping like I was before the miscarriage.

So now that it's 4 days until Christmas I am finally looking forward to celebrating quietly at home.  Well maybe not quietly.  We do have a 2 year old who thinks Santa and Baby Jesus are coming to her house.

I think what I am looking forward to the most is Christmas Eve service when the lights go down and the candles are lit. Silent Night will be played.  It's in that quiet moment that I find the most reverence for the Season.  It's my time to think about the not so quiet moments when Mary was giving birth to Jesus (I've been through birth.  It's not quiet and peaceful).  And to think about how Jesus left heaven and all it's glory to be born in a stable full of stinky animals, knowing that some day he would have to die for us.

All because He loved me.  And you. 

So celebrate we will.  Merry Christmas.

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