Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I am a Bettter Person Because...

I am a better person because you were born.
You needed me to feed you, change you, love you...
You challenged me to think outside of myself, give more of myself to anyone than ever before...

I am a better person because you grew into a smiley baby.
You needed me to comfort you, teach you, love you...
You challenged me to grow, to sacrifice, to care deeply...

And now I am a better person because you are no longer a baby.
You need me to train you in God's ways, teach you new things, love you...
You challenge me to discipline, grow spiritually, love with abundance...

Happy Birthday Sweet Ainsley girl.  I am a better person because of you.


  1. Aww... this is SO sweet. Happy Birthday to your blessing Ainsley. She is just precious!! :)


  2. So sweet Happy Birthday to Ainsley!

  3. Happy Birthday to your beautiful little girl! I'm holding the daughter of my 'little girl' today. It goes by so swiftly...cherish it.


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