Friday, February 5, 2010

Even More Today

10 Years ago today I married the most wonderful man in the world. We were young and innocent. We had great dreams. We were a tad naive in some of those dreams. I mean who retires at 30 and I am definitely not cut out to own a farm.

But we are so much more than we ever imagined at 22 and 24.  We have been through our share of things from unemployment to moving to a different state twice.  We have weathered times of job difficulties.  And we have experienced some wonderful things like buying 2 houses and having the cutest baby in the world. 

So today we are celebrating a life together, both in the past and the future.  We can look back with great nostalgia and can look forward with great expectations.  I know the road ahead will bring with it more joys and more heartbreak.  But we will do it together.  And that's just awesome.  I couldn't ask for more.

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